Create a new growth engine that scales

The Accelerizer Platform & Services you need to realize your existing customers’ full business value potential – and derive growth in return.

The Accelerizer Platform & Services

Name UpdatedObjectiveCustomer State Customer HealthCustomer 1 Jan 25Objective IIGrow ValueCustomer 1 Dec 30Objective IIIFirst ValueCustomer 1 Nov 8Objective IOngoing ValueCustomer 1 Nov 2Objective VIGrow ValueValue Dashboard

Value Insight Service

  • Designing targeted Go-to-Market for selected services offers.
  • Increase conversion rates through benchmarking customers own data points vs. Industry.
  • Shorten sales cycles through value driven approach.
Value Heatmap PlatformProcess 1N/A1.01.0N/A3. 2Process 3Process 4

Value Assessment Service

  • Create new growth engine from existing customer base.
  • Structured approach for identifying unrealized business value by customer, visualized in customer Value Heatmaps.
  • Dashboard of customer portfolio with drill-down in unrealized value potential.
Initiative 3JanFebMarAprInitiative 3Initiative 2Initiative 4Value Roadmap

Value Accelerator Service

  • Linking customer business strategy to value of your solution.
  • Deep dive into value potential by customer.
  • Definition of Value Realization Roadmap to capture value potential.
  • Leverage dynamic ROI measurement and best practice.

Accelerizer is already implemented withNordic and Global Customers

For a complete customer reference list, please get in touch with us.

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